Welding, cutting and brazing are perilous exercises that represent an extraordinary blend of both wellbeing and wellbeing dangers to laborers in a wide assortment of businesses. This course will instruct how to subside perils connected with welding, cutting, and brazing. It covers safe work practices and standard prerequisites from OSHA, DOT, ANSI and Compressed Gas Association.
On consummation of this course, the deligates will:
- Find the unsafe welding and cutting conditions
- Underscore on utilization of suitable PPE amid welding and related operations
- Exhibit perils connected with gas barrels, compacted gasses, and their capacity
- Underline the significance of hot work grant
- Depict fire assurance prerequisites for doing welding and other hot work
- Packed Gasses
- Review, Placing and Treatment of Cylinders
- Fire Prevention and Protection
- Welding or Cutting Containers
- Welding, Cutting, and Heating in Confined Spaces
- Individual Protective and Life Saving Equipment
- Latent gas Metal-circular segment Welding
- Oxygen-fuel Gas Welding and Cutting
- Additive Coatings Hazards
- Bend Welding and Cutting Processes
- Resistance Welding
- Spot and Seam Welding Machines
- Electrical Safety in Welding and Cutting
- Convenient Welding Machines
- Welding Health Hazards
Who Should Take:
- Welding, Cutting, Brazing Safety Technician
- Health and Safety Professionals
- Supervisors
- Employees
What you'll learn
Craft a portfolio of websites to apply for junior developer jobs
Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business
Understand the latest frameworks and technologies
Learn professional developer best practices
Work as a freelance web developer
Be able to build ANY website you want
Very Good
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This course includes
- 81 articles
- Certificate of Completion